
Selena Gomez will Have a Baby Sister or Brother

On November 25, Selena Gomez shared a big information about pregnancy on Twitter that she was looking forward to a baby¡­..Well, don’t misunderstand, because it was not her own baby with Justin Bieber, but her mother’s baby, that meant she would have a baby sister or brother soon. In addition, she posted a picture of her mother and stepfather. Her mother wore a Maternity Dresses, looked so pleasure.

She said that she thought she was the happiest girl in the world because of the baby. The girl was so delighted and excited, she was going to be a sister. The parents of Selena Gomez divorced when she just five-years-old, and until 2006, her mother remarried with Brian. The baby was the first child between her mother and his stepfather. It seemed that this was a happy and harmonious family, and Selena Gomez liked it. I am curious that as a songstress,what gift will she prepare for her baby sister or brother?In fact, compared with the news about the baby, we actually want to know about Justin and Selena’s baby. Since their relationship is released, this great match is always attract us.
Maybe they are a little young now, but I think they can do well, if they becomes parents.Lol…
(This article is from : http://luo1987.blog.com/2011/11/26/selena-gomez-will-have-a-baby-sister-or-brother/)

