
Misreading of the Emperor

Many years ago, Le was a skinny child, every day he spend days in addition to playing outside, riding a bicycle shuttle among the streets and wear leotards in his hometown of Akron. Later, when he grew up a little more every day rush before the court and people singled out for warm-up or riding a bicycle. Bicycle to the stadium to the edge of the fling, he always partners selected teammates preferred, because he understands the game, technically superior, be good to create opportunities for teammates, as long as the partners are empty cut, he always in a timely manner to pass the ball in the past.

Le joined the NBA, very dominant, or no change in the play. I know basketball is a team sport, and firmly in mind, "LeBlanc said," These are my instincts, than my own to achieve any success, I want to see the whole team successful. "So, Le around looking for teammates with a Pantyhose that he would like to help. Asians had just graduated from the University of Florida, Pete Lee did not know it all, busy day and Chinese companies doing business with him, and little concern for the players behind the story, but on January 29, he was the immediate scene scared - one dressed in black tights and wrapped big of a lot of protective gear, riding mountain racing in front of him flashed by. Watching that guy carrying a shoulder bag, Pitt's first reaction is that the bike can become so small, after a while realized that the big man is Le, all-star players, billionaire global icon, is ran Arena direction.

Cycling, Le is not even with Clubwear with him, only business partners but also his friends, Randy Mims, also a professional equipment wrapped, however, Mims bike would look like normal, about 1.80 m height, so that he and the bike put together, fairly coordinated. See the traffic lights turn red, Le and Mims have been closed down, diagonal standing in the middle of the road, and do not mind the roadside holding the camera to shoot him, the mood, and even put a shape to the Road provide people with better material.

