When you cosplay, how do you choose a right character from series of characters? I am sure that many cosers have ever suffered from this issue, right? It seems that all of us like to choose our favorite characters to cos, because we know the features of the characters, we know how to show its amazing qualities. However, when there there are several options, how do you make a right choice from them? Here, the two rules are my experience. When I am confused, I do according to the following two rules.
1)Generally have a long hair(I am unwilling to cut down my pretty long hair for cosplay)
2) The cosplay costumes are simple.
Hence, when you are boring that you don’t know how to make a choice, you can make some other conditions depend on your favorite. And then, it is easy to get what you want. Well, sometimes, unfortunately, our favorite characters actually don’t fit for us. If you think your cosplay will have a big difference from the original character, in my opinion, you would better give up try.
In addition, for female cosers, if you are very fat, you would better give up the idea that using dress as your cosplay costumes, otherwise, your cosplay work will be really terrible. I get the experience from some of my friends.
(This article is from : http://www.brandcheap.net)